Living on the streets, I found solace in the shared understanding of fellow individuals facing similar struggles. They comprehended the daunting prospect of transitioning back to indoor life and the anxieties that accompanied it. Our shared experiences forged a bond rooted in empathy and a mutual desire for a better tomorrow. Yet, amidst our aspirations, we were acutely aware of the societal judgments that clouded our paths. The uphill battle to secure a job felt like a rigged game, with the odds stacked against us from the start. Each day brought a cascade of worries – from the safety of our makeshift homes to the challenges of presenting ourselves professionally for job interviews. The simple act of applying for a job was fraught with obstacles, from the lack of a phone for communication to the absence of a stable address. It was a constant struggle against the tide of indifference, where our worth as human beings was often overlooked. The relentless cycle of loss and longing, of discarded possessions and shattered self-confidence, weighed heavy on our spirits. Yet, amidst the despair, there remained a flicker of resilience, a glimmer of hope that refused to be extinguished. We longed for recognition, for the chance to reclaim our dignity and rebuild our lives. Our journey was marked by setbacks and struggles, but it was also defined by resilience and the unwavering belief in the possibility of a brighter future.


- Bonnie Geveshausen


Swept off our Feet




Get ready to mark your calendars! The premiere episode of "Swept Off Our Feet" is set to launch this June on a streaming platform soon to be revealed. We're counting down the days until we can share these inspiring stories with you. Donations and sign-ups are open and greatly appreciated. Every contribution helps us make a difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness in Seattle. Join us on this journey of compassion and hope. Stay tuned for more updates and get involved today by visiting our website. Together, we can make a meaningful impact.